XGC Brittany

New member
Armory 10 Points
Team Work 10 Points
Untouchable 10 Points
Tunnel runner 1 10 Points
Infiltration 15 Points
Tunnel runner 2 15 Points
Well Equipped 15 Points
Tough Guy 20 Points
Proficient 20 Points
Partnership 20 Points
Bulletproof 25 Points
Full Assault 30 Points

XGC Brittany

New member

Achievement Guide

Armory - 10 points
Collect 4 different weapon power-ups.
Easiest achievement in the game. You can get this by playing through the first level and collecting the weapon upgrades hidden in panels or little football shaped things that fly by the screen.

Team Work - 10 points
Score 100,000 points in an Xbox Live Co-op game.

Get on live with a buddy (or just jump in any game) and hit 100K in points without losing all your lives. Make sure its not a private match or you will not receive this achievement.

Untouchable - 10 points
Get to the first tunnel without losing a life.

The first tunnel is at the end of the very first level. Once you memorize where evertyhing is, you shouldnt have a problem finishing level 1 without dying. Tip: Its easier to stay on the lower section of the level, just take your time and you'll do alright.

Tunnel runner 1 - 10 points
Beat the first timed tunnel with 33 seconds or more left.

Once you get to the first tunnel after level 1, you must beat the level before the clock counts down past the 33 second mark to get this achievement. Go right for the detonator button you have to shoot to blow the wall up and you won't have a problem.

Infiltration - 15 points
Destroy the alien tower at the end of the water level.

You will know you are at the water level when you have to ascend up the level via platforms in front of a waterfall. Make it to the top and destroy the alien tower for this achievement.

Tunnel runner 2 - 15 points
Beat the second timed tunnel with 55 seconds or more left.

Use the same tips as the first tunnel runner, only this tunnel is a little trickier. Avoid getting killed as much as possible and right off the bat start shooting the detonator button.

Well Equipped - 15 points
Collect 3 different weapons in the second tunnel.

The 2nd tunnel is right after the waterfall level. To get a different weapon you must stay in a particular room until a yellow guy appears from the side, jumping up and down across the screen. He's not hard to miss visually, but he's difficult to aim at. Shoot him down and collect the weapon upgrade he leaves behind. This guy only appears once per room so make sure you get him when he comes out. Collect 3 upgrades throughout the tunnel for this achievement.

Tough Guy - 20 points
Get to the second tunnel without obtaining a single weapon upgrade.

This can get tricky at times because sometimes you accidentally grab weapon upgrades. You must get through levels 1, 2, and 3 without collecting ANY power ups. You can't even get a Base Shield. Don't touch anything and defeat the alien tower at the end of the waterfall level for this achievement.

Proficient - 20 points
Complete the second tunnel with a score of 100,000 or more in Arcade mode.

Basically, you must start from the beginning, make it to the second tunnel and complete it without continuing (bc your score will reset if you do). You'll easily rack up 100K before the end of the tunnel, and if you make it out alive youll get this achievement.

Partnership - 20 points
Complete the game in Xbox Live Co-op mode.

You cannot be in a private match. This can be tough but with a lot of practice and memorization you can get it. If 1 player so happens to make it while the other one got a Game Over earlier, only the person to finish will get the achievement.

Bulletproof - 25 points
Complete the game in Arcade mode using only 1 credit.

Got this my second try only because I've been playing this game for 20 years. I know the levels like the back of my hand, and with practice you will too. Stay alive as much as possible and KILL KILL KILL. You will receive extra lives based on points. Know when to duck, slow down, run, where to shoot, when to shoot... The spread Gun works GREAT during the levels, but the laser will take down a boss before you can blink your eye. Good Luck, its pretty tough for a Contra beginniner. Practice makes (almost) perfect!

Full Assault - 30 points
Complete the game in under 12 minutes.

You have 2 continues to work with here, and if you have a lot of practice, if you memorized the game and can be quick about it, this achievement will come easy. If you're having trouble don't sweat it... Contra is a game thats tough on beginners to the series. You don't get too many lives, but the more you kill the better off you are because you will gain extra lives based on your points.


New member
I still have the original contra and my nintendo. I was a little disappointed that this version of Contra is the old school arcade version, as it is different and a lot harder imo.