XDC Dresden

New member
Who wants to play. The rules are simple. Wish for something. In a reply someone will say "granted, but..." and they will proceed to corrupt the wish.


Me: "I wish for a million dollars."

Person: "Granted, but unfortunately all of the worlds stock markets crashed and now all money is useless."

Simple enough, right?

*Idea courtesy of XGC Death Snipe.

XDC Dresden

New member
Granted, but unfortunately you have difficulty controlling your ability and lose control of your own thoughts. You eventually go crazy and have to be committed to a mental institute.

I wish Ben and Jerry's didn't discontinue their Oatmeal Cookie ice cream.

XGC Aesire

New member
Granted, Arizona is now a popsicle, you have ruined the worlds natural temperature, the worlds polar's have reversed and now Mexico is Canada's temp, and Canada is hot as heck. The polar ice caps are melting.

I wish for world peace. :p

XDC Dresden

New member
Granted, but you spent all of your money the first few days of celebrating your time off and now you're broke and homeless.

I wish I had a smoothie right now...

XDC Jinno

New member
Granted but all the smoothie shops near you closed down from bankruptcy.

I wish i can go to another rock concert right now

XDC Dresden

New member
Granted, but you're stuck at a backyard concert with crappy local bands (Not the good ones).

I wish I was out of Delaware!


New member
Granted, though you can pick which ever place in the world you would rather be, you will to be homeless however.

I was little bit taller, I wish I was a baller, I wish I had a girl who looked good I would call her. I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat and a 64' Impalar...


New member
Granted but you cant walk through normal doorways, your a baller that cant make shots anway, you can call her but her phone got turned off, the bat knocked the rabbits head off, and the impalla got a flat.

I wish for a paid weeks vacation.

XGC NewtypeZero

New member
Granted but during that week you break one of your hands and can't play video games

I wish I had the greatest musical talent with any instrument this world has ever known.


New member
Granted, but between signing and recording, your hands and face are damaged beyond reconstruction by a vicious beaver attack.

I wish I had a working spacecraft.

XGC SkinnyBudda

New member
Granted but half way through the first band the show gets shut down due to violent riots through out the city so your state puts a ban on all concerts.

I wish i could travel between parellel universes...

XDC Dresden

New member
Granted but you get stuck in a universe without Xbox and never get to play again.

I wish I could be invisible for one day.