APPROVED: Destiny 2 Gamenight 8.16 9pm EST

XGC Horus XS

Destiny 2 Gamenight
Destiny 2
August 16th @ 9PM EST
XGC MuH ReeN & XGC RedneckGurt The Events Team Presents: custom destiny 2 night. custom gambit and crucible matches. come join the fun with XGC MuH ReeN & XGC ReckneckGurt on August 16th @ 9PM EST
doing custom gambit and custom crucible games.

XGC Buffy XD

Destiny 2 Gamenight
Destiny 2
August 16th @ 9PM EST
XGC MuH ReeN & XGC RedneckGurt The Events Team Presents: custom destiny 2 night. custom gambit and crucible matches. come join the fun with XGC MuH ReeN & XGC ReckneckGurt on August 16th @ 9PM EST
doing custom gambit and custom crucible games.

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