
New member
I am guessing since people are posting about up and coming or new games here, this is where this should be...

Developers Mark Jordan and Roger Fang made Armada for the Dreamcast. A decade later, they are working on its sequel, Armada Online: http://www.armadaonline.com/. I’ve been playing the open alpha for a few years now, watching AO slowly develop when this 2 person team has time out from their day jobs and family to fix bugs and add content.

Currently they are seeking more testers, as well as backers for Kickstarter funding. The latter would allow Mark and Roger to devote themselves full time to finishing Armada Online. The client is free on their main site listed above. The KS page ( http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/379129851/armada-online ) page lists some other stuff which I would find just as satisfying as the completion of AO, such as a map editor… as well as a PC version of the DC Armada!

If you enjoyed DC Armada, and would help its successor get completed, please show your support by becoming a playtester (or making a pledge on KS). Look for me in game… "Voxx". :D