New member
Hi Guys And everybody Here.This is a sad story true story..My lttle girl is 5-years-old and she cant walk yet.she has (C.P.)Like Jerrys Kids..(Jerry lewis).She Has To Have 4 Surgerys On Her Legs Again.this will make Number 16.they have to break her hips nd put pins and plates in her...A week Before Christmas..very sad christmas for my family...Dec 15 is the day of Surgery....She get loves A 50 General..I am trying to get A 50 General for Her to Look At.she would be happy to See me with a 50 General..Any of you guys out there Have A Extra 50 General.Love to Make my Little Girl Happy..She just loves Halo And like to watch me Play,sometimes I let her play too.she loves Pink some much....I just Love XGC and Everybody here....All of guys are the best..I hope all Of You Have A Very Nice Christmas and a Happy new Years....I will try to Make it.Got to be strong About This..It just Ain't Fair A week Before Christmas And My Little Girl In Pain with A half Body Cast....I thank All of you for your time And I hope to see everybody On-Line In Halo 3 And Gears Of War And Gears of War 2...She Loves Gears Of War Too....So if anybody wants To help me out that would be Nice..Look for me On-line((UGA BAttle Scar Or One Eye Winky Or MADMAN PICCOLI(My Son Or My Little Girl Plays under MADMAN PICCOLI)Or Spiduh Or Restless Candy.....Merry Christmas To Everybody At XGC..................XGC Rocks...........I Am In XGC Friction Too.XGC NICK and Enforcer 205 And Evrybody in the Clan i think you Guys Are The Best And I Am Never Leaving.....Take Care Guys....UGA Battle Scar


New member
wow man godbless your family and your daughter with this time and events coming up. i wish i had a account for you but unfortunatly not.... if you want we can team up and i can try and help you get a 50 general....

XGC ChaosReaper

New member
wow. no one should have to go through that during the holidays. you've got my full support. i wish i could help but my box is broken and i can't get to a 50 yet. i'm sorry man.

XGC Daft5150

New member
wish you the best of luck and just remember bad things dont last always the surgery will only make her better so its a good pain one that will hopefully go away in the future....and whenever you need us were always here im in ATROCITY XK look me up some times...


New member
I wish you and your family all the best of wishes from myself and the rest of XGC WARLORDS.

Wish I could help with the whole 50 general thing but quite frankly I hate Halo, COD all the way!

KoG Lycos

New member
Maybe if you look at my bio, a couple of us guys in XG have a team dedicated to get members 50's in slayer or dubs or even swat. Need something along those lines, send a message to SYN LEGEND XS or me-SYN D3ADEYE XS and we will definitely get back to you.

KoG DruMmiN

New member
I may have some one you can talk to on my friends list his name is ToastnSquirrel... he's not in XG but he sells 50 accounts, I think he wants a trade for it but if you're willing to buy some microsoft points to trade for him it may get you a 50... To be honest the guy can be a jerk sometimes, so I apologize in advance for any rudeness he may show to you. I feel great sympathy for you and I wish you and your family the best of luck in this difficult time... I know its already after the holidays, but better late then never right?...

Send me a message on xbox live if you need any help or anything at all!