1. What division were you in? XGC
2. Which gaming console did you play? 360 / Xbox one
3. What clan were you in? Annihilation / Anarchy XK / 101st / Unknown
4. What rank were you? Section LEader
5. Who was your General? Verious
6. Who was your Section Leader (XS)? myself.
7. What was your gamer tag/username that was used during your time here in Xiled Gaming? XGC STANG XS
8. Do you have any other accounts? If so, what are they? sn1p0r1
9. Is this your first time posting in the Grass Wasn't Greener? If not, please post a link to your previous application. http://www.xiledgaming.com/showthread.php?487041-Xgc-stang-xs&highlight=stang
10. Did you go inactive, leave, or get removed (must pick one)? leave
11. When was your departure from Xiled Gaming (month/year)? honestly do not remember, over 2 years now.
12. Why are you no longer apart of the community? I was not kicked out or demoted or anything. I admit that when I left it was to join another community/clan comprised of both friends in real life, and online. I left for friends, plain and simple. Before I left, I had a party chat with XGC Duke XD and another Division Leader(Wreck or Drum I believe), to clearly state why I was leaving, and that there was no hard feelings, and that I did not want to burn any bridges, as it was simply to be with friends. Things with friends don't always work out, but I took that chance when I left, and was aware that it may not, which it didn't, however you don't know if you don't try.
13. Please include any additional comments here: I would like to come back to XG, and be an asset to the community again. My leadership and management skills are what got me to Section Leader in the first place, in just over 2 years in XG. Dedication and determination got me there, I'm not asking for leadership positions or anything, but can still be valuable in a lower rank with my experience. When I left, I was again a XGC XS, I believe XGC Sinister XD was my "go to" at the time, but also worked with Duke a lot. ** due to previous application that at the time I could not pay, i would be willing to pay that approved application fee if desired.
By posting this application, I certify that all the answered information above is accurate to the best of my ability. I understand that the approval process may take up to 90 days.
2. Which gaming console did you play? 360 / Xbox one
3. What clan were you in? Annihilation / Anarchy XK / 101st / Unknown
4. What rank were you? Section LEader
5. Who was your General? Verious
6. Who was your Section Leader (XS)? myself.
7. What was your gamer tag/username that was used during your time here in Xiled Gaming? XGC STANG XS
8. Do you have any other accounts? If so, what are they? sn1p0r1
9. Is this your first time posting in the Grass Wasn't Greener? If not, please post a link to your previous application. http://www.xiledgaming.com/showthread.php?487041-Xgc-stang-xs&highlight=stang
10. Did you go inactive, leave, or get removed (must pick one)? leave
11. When was your departure from Xiled Gaming (month/year)? honestly do not remember, over 2 years now.
12. Why are you no longer apart of the community? I was not kicked out or demoted or anything. I admit that when I left it was to join another community/clan comprised of both friends in real life, and online. I left for friends, plain and simple. Before I left, I had a party chat with XGC Duke XD and another Division Leader(Wreck or Drum I believe), to clearly state why I was leaving, and that there was no hard feelings, and that I did not want to burn any bridges, as it was simply to be with friends. Things with friends don't always work out, but I took that chance when I left, and was aware that it may not, which it didn't, however you don't know if you don't try.
13. Please include any additional comments here: I would like to come back to XG, and be an asset to the community again. My leadership and management skills are what got me to Section Leader in the first place, in just over 2 years in XG. Dedication and determination got me there, I'm not asking for leadership positions or anything, but can still be valuable in a lower rank with my experience. When I left, I was again a XGC XS, I believe XGC Sinister XD was my "go to" at the time, but also worked with Duke a lot. ** due to previous application that at the time I could not pay, i would be willing to pay that approved application fee if desired.
By posting this application, I certify that all the answered information above is accurate to the best of my ability. I understand that the approval process may take up to 90 days.