Flippy Dippie

New member
My favorite is the G11 hard sights and Commando silencer but atm since I am not 44 I am using the Famas Red Dot and M14 Red Dot but next in line is Galil Silenced

XDC Dresden

New member
The Famas is sick, I'm not gonna lie. I hate when kids spray around corners with it though.

Strangely enough, I'm not a big fan of the Aug. I like the LMG version of it it better.

XDC Dresden

New member
I definitely use suppressors. I tend to flank a bunch and like to sneak up behind an enemy in HC Capture the Flag.


New member
My most used is the Galil Silenced, but I switch off to other assaults regularly like the Ak47 extended mag, Commando Silenced, or the M16 red dot silenced.


New member
Acr and g36c, but the winter camo is weak. I means its the same skin as the snake, but it has a twig on it.. smh