XGC Dr Gonzo

New member
As a recruit whose term is coming to an end, allow me to say Welcome to the community... I am a CoD4 addict alike... perhaps we can get our fix together. I set up parties on a daily basis... I try and get Private and Ranked games in through the night since party size is random at times.

btw - XGC Charlie members, I was recruited by XGC Deceviable perhaps I could get a transfer once becoming a private into a group thats more into CoD4 than Halo at this time... My CoD4 skills are looking real good.

Anyway like stated earlier, welcome to the community, hope you enjoy it as much as I.

XGC Dr Gonzo

New member
no sad face LegendKiller... This is a monumental occasion. To know where your strong points and weaknesses, is half the battle. I want to be a positive contribution to XGC. Call of Duty is where it is, Hopefully Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 as well.