How do I earn points?
There are two ways to earn points:
Doing offers
Making referrals to friends
Offers are categorized by region with the newest offers on the top. They are further sorted into four categories: Type Description
Free These offers are completely free and require no money to complete - downside is they are usually the lowest paying
Free, req. credit card These pay more but you must follow cancellation instructions carefully or you will get billed
Pay, req. credit card Highest paying offers, but require you to make a purchase
Cellphone These offers require a cellphone, and may or may not be free
Offers are sponsored by various merchants. They must be completed in order to earn points for prizes. They may range from simply entering your zip code, email address, to doing short surveys, or buying and trying products.

An important thing to remember is that offers are ordered by how easy they pay out (convert). The ones at the front convert easier/better than the ones near the end - make sure you try those first!

We are constantly adding new offers and deleting the older, poor converting offers. New offers appear under "View New Offers" and will join the regular offers after they've been around for awhile.

Note: Create an email spam account for offers.