
New member
It bothers me that we have lost members of our community due to some elementary he said she said garbage. Let it be known that some use the system that is in place to keep order as a way of keeping peace while others use it as a way to manipulate and dishonor. I sincerely hope that those who are in power within our structure can find time to weed out "problem individuals" and turn their ears to those who are completely loyal to XG. I personally joined this community because I enjoy gaming and my XBOX is a means of relaxation, not to argue and have little internet fight. May the truth be found in all things...

Inked Ivy

New member
Yeah, generally stuff like this doesn't happen but every so often it just will. TBH the clan for me is for the gaming aspect and also the challenge aspect [I always love being a leader, and a clan lets me blend that ambition with gaming]

SYN MacDub2x7

New member
Generally a "he said she said" situation will not lead to anyone being removed from XG. This is because in those situations most of the time there is no actual proof, the two parties involved just get a slap on the wrist and it is over. If one of the parties involved has a history of the action he or she is being accused of that will arise suspicions even more.

Nonetheless a "he said she said" situation rarely involves members being removed, so i suspect that you may not know the entire reasoning behind it.

If i were in your shoes and thought a member was wrongly kicked out of XG i would talk to the higher up who dealt with the situation with respect as im sure he would be more than willing to clear up any grey area in the situation.

Just my 2 cents
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New member
I understand what you meen by going to your xbox to relax because I am the same way. Sometimes there members who you might be close to who mess up and dishonor XG and those people either are dropped or they create a show to get people onto there band wagon and try and over throw our system. You would be suprised that some people like KoG Poison Ivy are more mature than some XGC or Syn and KoG people Probably because she like myself wants to see the community grow and prosper not burn and be destroyed like those who come in and start drama.


New member
Although I get on my Xbox to relax, I end up nerd-raging over FFXIII or getting super mad over Special Ops on MW2. Not very relaxing, but still fun.

Unfortunately, some amount of conflict is unavoidable. Those problem members you speak of can be dealt with, but you can not let them get under your skin. It is everyone's responsibility to keep the peace. You should talk to your General about these issues or a XS leader. It is better to get the issue brought up to someone who can actually take the issue and make something of it.