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what do you guys think? I tried to expand on this one.
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New member
The Fx on the gun are good, the focal Ghost is a little bit over sharpened an almost looks cartoonish.. Id have to see the stock for me to make a full comprehensive judgment. and your background is nice, but since your focal is all the way to the right the space on the left gets my attention first then the gun then ghost... Nyet... Not good. I would also try to figure out where your focal is.. because if it is ghost. Which it appears to be, you ought to make his glasses the point where the eyes come to and leave the piece open to the rest of the eyes, but you made his gun with all the FX an opposing focal and leaves me just gapping at the piece instead of following any direct path of line movement. I would work on the flow on this one, its very restrictive and opposing.


The focal is like a comic book. so it isnt oversharpened. I did figure out a way to make ghost stick out more, which I am going to do when I can get on the computer. My main focus was basically just spam the gun with efx. I didnt really make this tag to use, but I figured it was good enough to use it.


New member
I think the tag, regardless, needs better line movement and better placement. You have a lot of negative space that needs to be filled, and it makes the tag less appealing.

Wicked 7

New member
I have to agree with swift here filly the fx on the guns are great but they do take away from your intended focal a bit. Also to elaborate on what he said about the left side. What hes talking about is the rule of thirds. Something i just learned about recently myself. As is your focal is to far on the right side to truly draw your eye to it. Check out deviant art for some tutorials about it. They helped me out alot


Well thats because there isnt much. Just a dodge by ghost. I also added a few clipping masks, which I made very subtle on purpose.

Wicked 7

New member
I see the dodge but i dont see any clipping masks anywhere. My same CnC still stands he needs to be blended in better. The dodge actually makes him look more copy and pasted on there