Denied: Incomplete GRASS WASNT GREENER

Slaysz HD

New member
hello my name jacob also known as slayerz oD i was distant from the clan so then i was kicked due to inactivity i was in SYN i was private my general was SYN Sarabi my section leader was SYN Karma XS and the reason i wanted to join back is a friend asked if i wanted to come back hopefully you consider letting me joining back i really loved talking to people in the clan and playing with them


hello my name jacob also known as slayerz oD i was distant from the clan so then i was kicked due to inactivity i was in SYN i was private my general was SYN Sarabi my section leader was SYN Karma XS and the reason i wanted to join back is a friend asked if i wanted to come back hopefully you consider letting me joining back i really loved talking to people in the clan and playing with them

If you went inactive, you don't have to post in this thread.


hello my name jacob also known as slayerz oD i was distant from the clan so then i was kicked due to inactivity i was in SYN i was private my general was SYN Sarabi my section leader was SYN Karma XS and the reason i wanted to join back is a friend asked if i wanted to come back hopefully you consider letting me joining back i really loved talking to people in the clan and playing with them

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