Metroid Fan 94

New member
Halo 3 is going to be so cool I know this I know everything...
I want to play the beta but unfortunately I only have a regular Xbox. However, maybe I can get one after Halo 3 comes out, assuming it will be a good game. Which it will.
Anyway, I've seen some videos of it on Youtube and it looks pretty sweet. I'm not to sure about the bubble shield it looks kind of noobish... But I'm glad that there is a one person vechile for the humans.

Who else has seen videos? What do you think? For those of you that have the beta, does it pwn??
Stupid question to ask, really. Of course it pwns.

KOG blenta

New member
Halo3 beta does rock. It is a little of a lame how the bubble shield does not work that great. You can go right in it and beat the losers down.The only good thing is the guy on the inside has a slight damage increase i think. The power drainer is totaly worthless. blenta

Metroid Fan 94

New member
yes, Halo 3 does look like a good game. What does the power drainer do? Is it just something that takes down your shields, like a frag grenade lol?


New member
The multiplayer looks very fun. It looks more of a strategy game now. In Halo 2 it was just shoot, run and kill. But know u have to communicate with ur team, like in VIP, and u have to use grenades and melees to be good.

The thing im more exctied about is the story mode. I can freaking wait for that...bungie has not released any info about it so it is a total suprise