a lost cause

New member
Looking to join a clan, haven't really been on this site much, and i've just been clicking names here and there to get a feel for the people on the site.

i'm 22 years old.
currently enrolled at UNC Pembroke, and majoring in Psychology.

games i play are call of duty, need for speed, halo 3, gears of war 1 and 2 (ftmfw)

just looking to play with some local gamers in my area.


New member
Hey man, we have people that play all of those games over here in AFT3RMATH

Shoot me a FR if you want to find out more.


a lost cause

New member
i was actually pointed to the site a while back by a guy who comes up here whenever his girl has class, he's the one who actually pointed me to this website, i had asked what the xgc stood for in his gamertag.

he seemed pretty cool, so i thought this would be a decent place to hang out with, maybe meet a few gamers to game with. I'm busy with working full time, and being a fulltime student i kinda don't get a chance to come on line and check all my messages and such, and i'm usually online around 2-4 in the morning, lol...

got any gamers who play around that time? i noticed i have alot of uk friends.