The Hardcore Enigma
New member
First off I'd like to say Hello and I'm proud to be a new member of the XGC. Second as my first review of a game I'm starting with WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2008 for the Wii. Now we all know and recognize the excellent quality of the multiple versions of this game on Playstation and more recently the X-Box 360, but when they took this title to the Wii it was a mega disaster. Although the motion sensor controls brought a new challenge to the game it wasn't enough to make up for the lack of playable modes like GM Mode, the difficult unlocking of special wrestlers, and the absolutely pathetically limited CAW move and appearance selections. It was like they took the Day of Reckoning Games, revamped them a little bit and then slapped the SD vs RAW title on it which is not only an embarrassment to that particular title line, but also once again ripped off Nintendo on what could have been a possible good game, but once again THQ managed to rip them off and the many wrestling fans that happen to like Nintendo Systems. All in all a complete piece of crap!