
New member
How is everyone today?
Im John, I found your group via playing against a few Syn members earlier today.
I haven't been in a clan for quite some time other than my own personal Clan on Elite.
My primary console is 360, though I do play some terraria on PC.
I'm 25 years old, and a 15th prestige in MW3 with a KD of 1.076. But I care little for that. I'm not the kind of person that dashboards just because I'm loosing.
I play the objective, if anything my SPM far more important to me than KD.
I look forward to playing with some of you.
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XGC Dragon Skin

New member

Welcome to the group!

Way to post in the forums so early. Continue searching out new friends and allies in the community. There are a lot of members and opportunities here. Hope to see you online. If you become active in clan compete look me up under singles. I'll play against you anytime. See ya later and nice to meet you John.

XGC Journey XS

New member
That's awesome I'm a SYNdicate member and general of a SYNdicate clan. I'm so glad you checked out our site. I'll try gaming with you sometime and hit you up with a friend request.


New member
welcome to the forums lol
