New member
Hello and thanks for taking time to read and review. Gamertag DeadliestRISK first joined about the time when modern warfare 3 was first out, at that time I was working in a restaurant so I had to work nights/weekends so I couldn't make the meetings. I was part of SYN XPLICIT XK but i dont think I ever became part of any squad. The section leader at that time was SYN IMPULSEz XS but i never talked to him, SYN xTHiRdEy3xX I Think was a General, he was there for my read in and sign up. Now that I work mon-fri in the mornings and I mostly want to play competitively with a real clan and sometimes just for fun with a good group of people. I would like to be a part of SYN Ambush as I've talked and played with some of them: Xeno, Paradox, Neanderthal and Solidcub. Let me know if you have any questions, Thanks again.