well, I love people who have high expectations but here are a few hints to move you along. talk to and game with as many people as possible, be friendly and respectful to everyone. attend meetings with your clan, and try to play games with your general and captain. Post in the forums and resend out messages to your friends.<-- also called spamming. don't let things get you down, we are all gamers, and want to hop online and just play, but the greatest leaders of XGC do a lot of non gaming to keep everyone else happy. do remember, you have to make some sacrifices to get ahead.
I hope some of this was helpful to you. and I hope to see you online.
Also hit up with some of leaders of KOG and see what clans you can get into.
no offense but the XGC Clan is for 18 only, but there is the KOG and SYN groups that are open to all members and each has there own perks