
New member
Well I'd like to start out by saying xiled gaming has proven to be by far the best clan I've been apart of. I'm HiSociety420 I play xbox mainly cod ghosts and so far have had a good experience with being a part of xiled gaming SYNdicate division currently I am a sgt. But am looking forward to becoming a higher ranked official! Hard work and determination are key elements in a clan especially a huge one such as XG I just wanted to take the time to post on here and introduce myself so if you're on xbox playing ghosts feel free to game with me anytime! Thanks for the opportunity to become a part of the biggest and best clans around and can't wait to see what else it holds in the future. Goodnight :)

SYN Stiddy

New member
Welcome to the community of Xiled Gaming! Hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any questions about the website or online matchmaking/multiplayer, feel free to private message me or post on my wall. Have a good day!


New member
Yes Society it is aa great place. If you would like I could join you in playing some ghosts even though im not the best anymore since i've played a lot of skyrim, minecraft, and gta but I am still warming back up. So if you ever want to send me a request and I will try to get up with you.