Omg so i really cant believe this log-in name is still on the website... ok so wher to begin... ok about a week into having my black box i met some guy from KoG... i dont remember his name but he asked if id like to join i said sure and after honor code and rank structure i was invited into the clan... this clan was KoG Midnight... after a few weeks of hard recruiting and clan games i was eventually promoted to Seargent... i was so excited for myself and the guy who recruited me because he just made Captain.... then it all went downhill... a few days later the clan was hit and i came on the site and added who i needed to be brought back in and they had also left and then the site went down... so a few months later i met a cool guy from XGC Kings (yes you may know who i am now lol)... needless to say i was brought into XGC Kings where i quickly moved up in ranks for just being the awesome guy i am lol.... thats when i met HIM (KoG ExiT XD)... then everything got so much easier and better... he taught me alot and i think im a better member and person because of ExiT... time passed and i became a Captain then General of XGC Kings... now i felt i had lived up to ExiT's expectations of me... i later stepped down... then became General of SYN L.o.G (weird story) and they all left to do their own thing.... so i transfered over to XGC Paradise to be under my former Captain XGC Typhoon... yea i was estatic for him when he got his General spot... then things happened and i ended up where i am currently... SYN Final Fight... i came in as a Captain under SYN Jerriel.... the other members were upset because i was brought in as a Captain but it was cool i understood how they felt and after talking we all became friends... then Jerriel got his XS and i became General (3rd times a charm lol)..... so thats my entire XG history for you all... if you decide to read this anyways lol but here is the fun part... its obvious who i am but see if you can guess anyways...