Or if your Just Learning i preferred to use this comination which is still good in a 1 on 1 fight:
Once you can do that not shooting at anyone Practice on your YY.
Your YY will Cancel your reload aka that Wait it does to give you back your ammo before u can shoot again, and allows you to continue battling. So you would try something like this:
Simple Right? I know not so much. After Much practice and Dedicaton one can like me "Quad Shot", Which buttons look like this:
RRX YY RRX YY...and so on
Your BR will become better the more you practise. I've sat in games by myself running around getting ammo and just shooting the whole time. You will see improvements. If you ever need help on any Button Glitches such as BxR, BxB, Double Shots, Quad Shots, Grenade Reloads, Auto Reloads, and Random other Game Knowlege such as Sweet Grenades, and Spawn Control Feel free to send me a F/R for 1 on 1 or maybe Lessons/Training Sessions I will have. For SYN it wont cost anything but others i make them pay $55 a Lesson soo.. Kimmler is the GT, or LegenD x NooB...Im pretty nice guys hit me up