XGC DrkWingDuck

New member
I think for al first person shooter that is somewhat story driven but not really, it is a pretty fun game. The weapon options in the begining of each mission is pretty cool and like most games of this genre you can pick up different guns that the enemy drops. The one draw back in my opinion is that you AI teamates are not the best teamates you could ask for, I mean they do what there told and thats about it. You send them in for cover fire and they give it, but you send them in before you and 9 times outta 10 they end up dying on you, and you can revive them but for some weird reason when you die it's not like in some games where you get a time limit for your AI to come save you, no you die and even if your AIs are alive you have to start over from your last checkpoint, so my opinion is try your best to atleast get to a check point.


New member
Yeah so this game, like all games has it's weak points but I think that it makes you have to play the game more strategically than others...

The one draw back in my opinion is that you AI teammates are not the best teammates you could ask for, I mean they do what there told and thats about it. You send them in for cover fire and they give it, but you send them in before you and 9 times out of 10 they end up dying on you, and you can revive them but for some weird reason when you die it's not like in some games where you get a time limit for your AI to come save you, no you die and even if your AI's are alive you have to start over from your last checkpoint, so my opinion is try your best to at least get to a check point.

The same can be said about Gears of War, they are downed often and must be "revived". Only you are the only one capable of doing so, not like in Vegas how you can order another AI teammate to do it for you...

All in all, I enjoyed this post. I would however, like to see more XGC members play Vegas.

If anyone affiliated whit XGC is on Vegas and want to kick *** on Vegas, I'm almost always available. My Gamer tag is SPECTRE xRSFx.

XGC BoonDock

New member
I have to agree that Vegas is a good game but I think, I'm not certain, but isn't the 2nd one coming in the Spring?



It's a great game, the online multiplayer is fun if you like attack and defend type games (imo the only good game mode online). Other then that i think the game is great, and really fun to play.


New member
I loved this game. It is the only one that I have gotten 1000 gamerscore on. And haven't played it since. LOL. But RB6V2 is about to come out so who caresssss!