
New member
Have You Ever Started Up a Match and There is Some Person Glitching, Noob Toobing or Camping? It is Bull because A lot of times it affects your Kill/Death Ratio or it keeps You from getting kills And/Or getting ranked up. Bottom line "NOOBING" should be banned !!!!!!!


New member
i hate to say this, cause lord knows i hate them too, but its part of the game, if someone is noob tubing, do it back at them or use the blast helmet thing, or riot shield lol....and if someone is camping just go around them and take them out, cause usually they will always go back to the same place sooner or later lol

Inked Ivy

New member
I dunno.. I dont mind the n00b tube Most people are either using it to complete challenges [me lol], or to p1ss you off. Its sooo easy to counter the tubers, ^read above for the easiest. I dont think that tubing should be in the same line as glitching.. as there are no exploits of the n00b tube... campers? yea, there annoying, but its the players fault if they keep running into the same trap.. people who camp tastefully are annoying in the fact they can knock you back so many times, but i wouldn't hate them for it. Some of the game modes even encourage camping with how objectives are set out.

Glitchers... well i just want to murder them all. There is no such thing as tasteful glitching.

Anyway, caring about your K/D stops you from playing properly found..


New member
For the most part I don't care about my K/D ratio. If it goes up I'm happy. No matter what game type you play it will affect your K/D. I always tell campers they should go to buy a tent, a sleeping bag, light a fire, and make a few smores.

Inked Ivy

New member
Well yea, if they camp in one spot the whole match and cause the teams spawns to be in a retarded place on the map their idiots....


New member
well im going to say that noob tubers glitchers and campers define and set back who are the pros and who are the noobs you guys know what i mean?

XGC Halcyon

New member
not meaning to sound rude, but if you keep getting killed by campers/noob tubes all the time then you are doing something wrong somehow.

if you cant handle the heat in a specific area move on.

always try to eveolve your strategies : for example, if you keep getting killed by a thermal sniper, try making a cold blooded class. a foolish enemy will always assume that you will be comeing around the corner with the same kit equipped, and will know your moves. but if you stay one step ahead then there isnt much they can do.

o Xclusiive v2

New member
See it all depends on how you look at it. For one im sure we all have used a "Noobtube" at least once in order to get the gun challenge for it. Two, im also pretty sure most snipers "Camp" to get their kills, you cant expect to run out there and be like "o hey look at me i have a sniper", your going to die obviously. Its all a matter of perception, i mean yes campers and noobtubers do ruin your k/d and prevent you from doing things but sometimes the best strategy is to outcamp/outmanuever them.

No trying to be a jerk or sound all knowing. Just throwing my opinion out there.

KoG BlackRazor

New member
yes while noob tubers are annoying. they are easly tamed by A) NoobTubing back or B) shooting them from affair, most times they are doing challenges for that gun or what not. Me i use a NoobTube in situational awarness.. like ok my guy just died over there so ima launch a noobtube and bam a kill or i have a guy thats using a some sorta cover and thats when it comes in handy, Glitching on the otherhand is a good way to earn yourself some bad player reviews and so complaints and a possible week ban from LIVE. Like the other night me and my guys went into a room and was working the other team. then they started carepackage glitching, they won and we said good game. they procided saying that my clan sucked at the game, and i told the punk kid straight up "CarePackage glitching is a easy way to win against someone of skill, since we cant beat them legit you use a cheaters way out. This game is all air oriented if you can control air supuriorty you can win 8 of 10 times.. so until you can play the game legitly and not cheat you have no skill. but good game anyways" and the kid and his buddies left because they were told straight up. It simple to figure when someone is doing the carepackage glitch cause there is no audio que of "Enemy CarePackage inbound or Enemy E-drop incoming!"

and in terms of the carepackage running that isnt so much a glitch as it is a exploit of the Marathon and lightweight perk. the carepackage marker is suppose to make you run faster but its just a cheap method of being to fast for someone to get a bead on them. i tell carepackage runners to wait untill the patch comes out and then see who gets more kills, cause its obvious you cant use your gun effectivly

o Xclusiive v2

New member
All depends on which care package glitch it is, the one that makes you run fast..pfft that isnt a glitch at all. You can do the same thing with your C4 detonator out because its like you are carrying no weight at all. Not a glitch. The glitch would be the endless care packages someone can call in and just pound the hell out of your team with, like today we had some guy call in 7 predetor missles one right after the other care package glitching. Thats deffinitly a glitch that needs to be taken care of.


New member
the noob toobers and the camping i dont mind becuase it is apart of the game but it does tend to **** me off. and then the glitching...if people want to glitch go into a private match and do that bull thare. dont go and bring it into a live game to mess up peoples k/d ratio cuz really if you have to glitch to win a game, just return it and sell your xbox!!


New member
I think some people camp because they just arent good enough to run around and kill people ,and it is part of the game.Kill them them and set a trap for when they come back.Gltchers are cheaters and the ban hammer will get them sooner or later.The "noob tube "or grenade launcher is part of the game and exist in real life,so it dosent bother me ,infact I love the thumper.


New member
Have You Ever Started Up a Match and There is Some Person Glitching, Noob Toobing or Camping? It is Bull because A lot of times it affects your Kill/Death Ratio or it keeps You from getting kills And/Or getting ranked up. Bottom line "NOOBING" should be banned !!!!!!!

This is why I do not play "Call of Modders"

XGC Sader

New member
ehh...I dont really care if people use noob tubes or whatever they do. I use to hate when people would use the heartbeat sensor and the thermal combo and the akimbo shotty but I decided to test it out for myself and I love it too. If you can't beat'em, join'em I guess. lol. But the thing that does tick me off is the spawn killing and some of the spawn campers. at least give me one second to step away from my spawn, geesh!:eek:

XGC Ninja Smoke

New member
Well I play hardcore on a daily basis, so I have no place to complaid about camping. Reason being, run and gun on hardcore is the same as throwing a grenande on the ground and standing over it. Suicide. As for the n00b t00bers I can understand if your trying finish a challenge, but for those who want to be an *** about it, why not use the thumper and save extra attachments for your gun. I'm pretty much cool with it all, but the best way to get under those guys skin is to kill them in an extreemly close range at least 3 times, 6 out 10 times they'll change their tactics. Knifing them in the back always work.


New member

XGC Darkshot

New member
Hey Im a captian in XGC Betrayal and You could call us campers all you want because we learn where spawns situate around and hold / startagically hold that area AKA for most ppl camping but to us a camper is someone who hides in corner or area of no stratigic importance and waits for the unsupecting idiot to run by and shoot. If you Have a vantage point or nice line of sight on a map it makes sense to use it but why do ppl call that camping.

SYN HighLite

New member
edicus i hella love that!! lol
and you got a point there darkshot
it must have a strategic importance in every game type and if you do it as a clan its different then if you end up doing it in an individual game haha
I use strategic points in the map with my shotgun but let the ppl funnel thru to my area before i kill them its conservative play and is very very useful in maps such as karachi where you can sit behind the enemy setup and give em hell haha

XGC Phantom XD

New member
Yes I really do HATE campers, noob tubers, etc. Unfortunately it is part of the game. Camping well, how do you go about banning that? Noob toobing, well see in actual combat there are grenade launchers so they will put it in life. I'm sure you wouldn't go to war in Iraq calling them noob tubers would you? Now as far as glitching goes, yes I agree. Too many glitches and not enough fixes or it took too long to get fixed. They need to take care of those asap.