I JOINED BC.......

KoG Dr 0nline

New member
i joined bc i used to be a step b 4 semi-pro and now im going casual bc i cant make any events i had a 50 in td and 47 in mlg and halo 3 is my life atm my newest gt for casual gaming is RenegadeAngel20 and i would love to be a part of the clan XGC bc i originaly was in XGC about 3-4 years ago b4 halo 3 i played halo 2 i remember my gt and everything it was XGC Cyborg but after a few months my xbox seezed up i got on probation and my life went to hell so i dropped out for a long while ......

if u wanna add me u r welcome to for halo 3 casual and some competitive GT = RenegadeAngel20 i have a killtrocity already and only played 2 games.... :D