Wicked 7

New member
I feel bad for anyone who gets that high of a gamerscore. They have to lack some serious social skills.

Not really Xbox live has been around for a while and there are a few games out there for it now it doesnt take complete gaming and no life it just takes time and skill to get some of the harder achievements.

Btw on a side note keep in mind a couple of our leaders have already gotten or are close to getting this one for example... XGC xVIPERx XI
Yea dude. XBL has been out for like 5 years. They are really good, and probably play more than the average guy, but that doesn't mean they have no life. It's really not that hard to get achievements. Especially if you play a lot of arcade games.


New member
Think of it like this. It's your life if you want to play video game's go a head and play it. We are here in the world to enjoy life also he might have adhd where he can not sleeep. If your bored and have adhd most people play all night. Well I know my friend does.


New member
I feel bad for anyone who gets that high of a gamerscore. They have to lack some serious social skills.

Not really. Unless they're gamerscore whores, most people would end up getting that GS by playing all the games they love. I've had Live for 4 years and I'm about to break 50k myself.

Yea dude. XBL has been out for like 5 years. They are really good, and probably play more than the average guy, but that doesn't mean they have no life. It's really not that hard to get achievements. Especially if you play a lot of arcade games.

Actually, XBL has been out for 7 years. It launched in November of 2002.

XGC Axecident

New member
2002 was the launch of xbox live yes...
but that was for the original xbox.. did not have a gamerscore or acheivements for games

xbox 360 was the introduction of gamerscores


New member
100k will be completed before the end if this year for me ... Im going back to gamer score whore mode
.. thats what my friends call it ....