Approved: Intermediate I LIKE TO COME BACK TO XILED.

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New member
I disrespect your leadership.i share my account information with my captain for him to do my jobThen when I was confronted about itThen when I was confronted about itI lied about itAnd I never started drama when I was in the community.I might have started drama when I left and I never tempted to poach no membersAnd that is the truth and I swear to God.

XGC Karma XC

New member
I disrespect your leadership.i share my account information with my captain for him to do my jobThen when I was confronted about itThen when I was confronted about itI lied about itAnd I never started drama when I was in the community.I might have started drama when I left and I never tempted to poach no membersAnd that is the truth and I swear to God.

This is approved. You will need to purchase the "Repurchase of Membership - Intermidiate" subscription on the Xiled Gaming forums in order to return. You can find the link to purchase the subscription here:

Once you purchase the "Repurchase of Membership - Intermidiate" subscription, contact SYN Drifdar XD for your clan placement.

Thank you,
SYN Karma XD
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