I will look into this, but I will need to have you fill in a few more details. I will be hitting you up on the box to get all of these details sorted out, but we need to have a record of it in this application. If you could, please answer the following questions in a reply to this thread:
What clan were you in?
What rank were you?
Who was your general? Your XS?
What caused you to want to leave (in more detail, if possible)?
Any other info that you feel might help in this. For example, did it cause drama when you left, or did you leave without incident? Basically, add any details you can regarding what happened when you left.
Thanks bud,
Edit from Deadeye [5:55 PM PST 2-16-14]: (info provided from KoG War XS) He was a captain in KoG Revolution. He was having a lot of extra duties and stress due to schoolwork, and the clan work became too much on top of that. Now normally clan stuff wouldn't be that much extra, but KoG Revolution was in a state of being rebuilt and so he was under a lot more pressure to be active and recruit. He said, "Look, this is too much for me to balance at once, and so I'm going to have to back out of XG." He caused no issues on the way out, and kept in amiable contact with multiple KoG leaders and members. He's going to have to post in here to confirm this, but that's the story.