XGC PapaKraven
New member
I left the community almost 4 months ago because I was dealing with some major personal issues bad enough that at 24 years old with no heart issues I had a heart attack so I. Regretably left xg to try and focus myself on 1 problem at a time and now that my personal life has settled down and I can devote more time to xg I would like to return. I relise that it was an irrational choice but at the time I was not thinking clearly. What lead me leaving was someone put a false call into social services and my kids were taken while at the same time dealing with searching for a new apartment and dealing with clan drama that id rather not relive XGC FxValis XS did try to convince me to stay and due to thee amount of physical and mental stress I was under I still decided to leave. It was a hard choice and I do regret it cause I have a lot of friends in xg and would like to make more friends as well
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