I'm back again! It has been a very long time like when Cheapskate ran Syn Pitbulls old. I came back to see if I was on Dnr or not. If I am I obviously can't rejoin ,but if the slight chance I am not. I would love to come back!
Once. Than the second time I didn't really leave ,but the clan I was in fell apart and all the members were not distributed to new clans. I was one of these.


New member
What was the name of the Clan you were in, who was your Section Leader, who was your General, what was your GamerTag & what was your rank?


New member
I was Over SYN Pitbulls before it was shut down, and your name was not on any lists. I remember you but not as a member of pitbulls when I was over it.

EDIT* Maybe he was a member, Not 100%
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Yo whats up panzer?

1st Clan:pittbulls
Transfer:Syn Brutality
General 1st: Syn Cheapskate
General 2nd:Syn Romance
Section leader:Unknown
Lol at the time I was like 12 or something. WHO KNOWS WHY I LEFT I WAS 12 xD
I am now 15 and more mature and thought I would try clans again. So I came back to you know. Try and actually be in a community.


New member
Everybody needs a break from something to see how much they truly loved it. :) Whats the song/quote...."you don't know what you had until you lost it." ....? It's as close as I'm gonna be able to get atm :(, back to troubleshooting comp hardware drivers *sigh*
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KoG Slayer II

New member
Hey Planet! It's SYN Nemesis! You remember me? Illusion was my Lieutenant about 2 years ago in Brutality when Romance was General. If you haven't left and were just lost in the mix hit me up on Xbox Live. My GT is SYN Slayer. Impulse (aka alszworld) is in my clan and I think you'd have fun in Xiled Kings.

SYN Black Wolf

New member
Well he said he just got lost in the folds of space so if his story checks out and he never actually left then yeah One of us can pick him back up :D


New member
I have a few things to say about the below statement, I was around during these times and the Members of brutality where moved once the clan was shutdown because I knew the general who took over, actually he is still in my clan, As with Pitbulls the members where moved also when it was shutdown, because It was one of my clans.

So how where you lost in the fray?
It has also been since 08', Why didn't you try to come back sooner?
You have posts on other gaming sites from months ago, but just appeared on XG's site?

You also admitted to leaving "once".

Fill in the blanks.

Once. Than the second time I didn't really leave ,but the clan I was in fell apart and all the members were not distributed to new clans. I was one of these.

SYN HighLite

New member
silvy it was very common as you should know for ppl to become inactive to some degree and never get put back on the clanlist around that time and if you bring up the fact he's posted on other places make sure you are showing us what he said as a means of proof that he left xg

I got fitted through the cracks once it happens when clans shut down or members are moved around someone forgets periodically

edit: btw planet which is it were you inactive or did you leave when you were twelve?
If I was moved I was never told ,and I asked people and never got any where although I might have been moved I was never informed. So I just kinda never tried to come back until now technically I just became inactive for a long period. Just to clarify I did leave 1 time ,but never a second.

So I guess I just need to be picked back up? Any takers?

KoG Slayer II

New member
If I was moved I was never told ,and I asked people and never got any where although I might have been moved I was never informed. So I just kinda never tried to come back until now technically I just became inactive for a long period. Just to clarify I did leave 1 time ,but never a second.

So I guess I just need to be picked back up? Any takers?

If you left once, came back, then went inactive, you should be good to go. I'll talk to an XD and see what I can do. If everything checks out, I'll be glad to pick you up into Xiled Kings.