Hey everyone my name is Chris. I am 25 yrs old. I am new to XGC i played against you all back in COD4 on ladder sites is TDM and HC TDM. I just meet XGC Baby Fox and i thought i would drop by and see what the site was like and see if there was a clan i could join and play COD MW2 with. MW is usually the only game i play right now. A little about myself i play xbox 360 most of the time if im not out hanging out with friends. I was in the US Army for 4 yrs did some time over in Korea but nothing in Iraq. I love playing FPS because i just have amazing reaction time and i love killing all the noobs that just run around the map. If anyone wants to play hit me up on xbox live
GT: ASOC XReconx
GT: ASOC XReconx