Shot Fire

New member
Hey Ive been signed up on this site for awhile now looking around trying to decide wether id like to join or not. If someone wouldnt mind answering me a few questions that'd be great.

1. How many clans do you guys have on xbox live and is xbox live were most of the activity is at?

2. Do alot of people play core on black ops?

3. Which are the most active clans on black ops?

Thanks in advance.

SYN HighLite

New member
1. How many clans do you guys have on xbox live and is xbox live were most of the activity is at?
XGC has 50+
SYN has 20+
KoG has 20+
And activity is on both the site and xbox respectively. (More on the box, however, looks really good when on the site.)

2. Do alot of people play core on black ops?
In SYN we play a crap load of core because most of us hate HC. A good portion of XGC plays HC and a few play Core.

3. Which are the most active clans on black ops?
All clans should be fairly active on Black Ops if that is their main game theoretically. I know in SYN we play usually every day depending on what time you are online you can pretty much always find one of us on.

Flippy Dippie

New member
I am a Captain for XGC Italians Army and we are a new group with many active members that play daily. We are always looking for new people and we mainly play HC TDM on Black Ops but we also play many other games like Magic 2012, Uno, Modern Warfare 2 (from time to time) and we play a lot (AND I MEAN A LOT) of Zombies.

Kino 38 2 people
Five 27 4 people
Ascension 37 2 people
Call of the Dead 23 3 people

Also we have a lot of people that join from core and gradually make it over to hardcore because we put strategies and keep to them on EVERY map. Hardcore takes a lot of team work and when you get the right Communication you can really win by 2000-3000 points per game. A lot of people call us campers but we call it "Strategically placing ourselves in a position of ultimate power to stop the opposition from getting an unfair flanking route." Sounds a lot better doesn't it? Haha well if your interested hit me up on the box

GT XGC FlippyDippi