
New member
I get annihilated in shotty snipers unless I am using the shot gun. Is there some secret to getting consistent kills/head shots.?

Does it have anything to do with your aiming speed? Mine is on 3.


New member
The shots don't seem to register correctly if you're using the single (x5 I guess) zoom. I've heard that using the double zoom works better.

I with you though -- I am terrible at sniping in this game.

XGC Crazzy FS

New member
Even though a lot of people have said that they feel that this sniper is better than Halo2 I disagree. There are many shots that seem to go through people and never register as a hit. Also, I like the speed of the shots in Halo 2 where you could run out the 4 shots in a couple of seconds, it seems like it takes a lot longer in Halo 3.

XGC BoonDock

New member
Even though a lot of people have said that they feel that this sniper is better than Halo2 I disagree. There are many shots that seem to go through people and never register as a hit. Also, I like the speed of the shots in Halo 2 where you could run out the 4 shots in a couple of seconds, it seems like it takes a lot longer in Halo 3.

Yeah, well it feels that way because you now actually have to hit the guy. And I think the reloading is much slower in this game so it is not a powerhouse weapon.



New member
Aim for the forehead, rather than the chin/neck region. The sniper now has a recoil, so, after you fire, you will need to adjust your aim a li'l bit if you missed your target the first time.

Teh Smithers

New member
Actually there kinda is, it has a lot to do with your controller speed and how well you use it. If you use say 3, as in your post, try setting it up to around 7 or 8 and play a custom. After that set it back to 3 and try sniping. the aimer will seem to move extremely slowly but that definitely makes it easier for headshots since you dont twitch all over the place if you bump the right stick.


Xx Mr Bill xX

New member
If you ask me the easiest way to snipe is to walk around corners with the 1st scope on


I like to sweep snipe a lot, where you have the aimer to one side of the person and basically kind of flick the aiming joystick in their direction so it will go past them, but you fire as your aimer is moving. It was a lot easier in H2 where there was massive auto aim but its still the easiest way to snipe rather than steadying your aimer on someone who is strafing, let your auto aim do all the work.

Xx Mr Bill xX

New member
You don't need to lead your shots.

The sniper bullet moves so fast. If you go into theater and watch a sniper bullet being shot across Sandtrap lengthwise (the long way) you will see that in one frame of motion it crosses over half of the map. Basically, the only time you would need to lead your shots with a sniper is if you are shooting at them all the way across the biggest maps in the game.

Although I know people say Matchmaking doesn't matter, I have a 50 in team snipers...

If you can't hit the head the next best thing is the body. Head shots are nice and feel great and can get you going, but there is absolutely no shame in hitting two body shots, all that really matters is that you get that kill.

Also, from mid range if you are being shot, rather than flinging your scope across the screen when no scoping hoping to get lucky you are much better trying to steady your reticule on the person's body and going for a body shot and pulling out another weapon if you have one.

Try and aim with your strafe as much as possible. It will steady out your aim by unfathomable amounts.

If your up close then by all means try and sweep snipe them, but always go for the beatdown afterward if you are already within melee range.

You can pull some amazing **** with the sniper in this game, but the trick is knowing when you can go for that stuff because when you go for a no scope and you just get that feeling your about to take a person's head off when your no shields you will know.

Other than that, just stick to reliability rather than being flashy.


New member
Easiest thing to remember is that two body shots are just as useful as a headshot and dropping the other team to one shot with quick body shots is great for assists and helping out teammates in tough spots. It is usually better to quick scope and use the zoom as it gives increased auto aim in your shots rather than no scoping. playing a lot of sniper customs and team snipes is a solid way to improve on your sniper.

KoG Fatality

New member
Playing one game will make it easier to snipe in that game, in H3 you have to lead your shots a little at very long distances, in BFBC the bullet speed is very realistic when shooting long distances and there is some small amount of bullet drop. Personally ive lost alot of my skills for sniping in halo because now I try to lead my shots way to much and sometimes shoot over there head as I would in other games.


New member
I was so used to sweep sniping from H2 that its done more to hurt my sniping in H3 than anything else. it hasnt changed much between the games, but was enough to throw me off in a major way.

I've been messing with my sensitivity, straffing, shot placement, etc... but ultimatly, have found it comes down to your connection speed, and leading your shots a little.

sith slayr

New member
i found out that the more i dont hlod back on pulling the trigger i get more comfortable and sniping people, check out my file share for this sick snipe

KoG Lycos

New member
Really, the secret to sniping is to be Me. LOL, just kidding.

In my honest opinion, the trick to sniping is finding out just how you use a sniper.
Do you hit them from across a map? Do you use it like a shotgun (no-scope/melee)? Do you quick scope? Do you only no-scope? Or do you use it to cover an objective from not that far away (think the tower on the Pit...sniping to top platform or rocket hallway)?

Here is a hint: If you are using it as a no-scope/melee weapon, keep the sensitivity around 3-4. Across a map like Valhalla you want it around 1-2. Quick scopes should be around 6-7 or higher. A normal distance sniper should keep it around 4-6...try 4 for starters.

Then it becomes being good at what you want it for. I don't pick up a sniper often on bigger maps, mainly because I am not too good at large distances and I find that the BR is good at stopping snipers on big maps. I will use it alot on Epilogue and smaller maps because I am good at swipe sniping and quick scopes. Find out your strong suit and develop it. Start off asking for the sniper in Social Slayer and playing custom sniper games. Then work on to ranked slayer, and only after you feel strong with it do you go into Team Snipers.

Keep that in mind, and don't be afraid to change your sensitivity depending on what map you are playing. For close range, small maps, keep the sensitivity higher than normal (as long as your BR is still accurate...). On long distance maps, tone the sensitivity down some to make it more steady. It will come in time, trust me. Halo requires accuracy and patience, so don't get aggravated if at first you don't get the sniping down. Just work on it and it will come to you.