KoG Lycos

New member
I hate people joining my game in progress also. I like to play against people I don't know...just in case they win, that would be kinda awkward :rolleyes:

XGC Amun Ra

New member
this has been brought up in my meetings as well as on the forums multiple times. i personally hate it when people join my games and end up on the team when they only feel like they have something to prove

Tell players you do not want them joining your game in progress. If you happen to get matched up against them tough luck but communicate that you don't want them joining into your game. shoot them an invite after if you wanna wait.

Khaotic Krysis

New member
I agree I have players in my clan "Betrayal" that are really good and these people also know my tactics and in these types of games tactics are everything. Its like one football player getting the other teams playbook, That one player knowing every move the other team is going to make would totally disrupt the entire game, Thats why in football or any other game or event of the same type it is cheating. I know its just a video game but its a matter of keeping the game as pure as possible, and thats what I strive to do.