Ninja Dude

New member
I apologize if I am posting this in the wrong area. I have always heard great things about XGC, and saw on Gamefaqs, and Bungie, that this Gaming Community is recruiting for Destiny. I play it on the Xbox One, and was wondering where I could apply, as I cannot find the join section, on the website. It would be much appreciated if someone got back to me.

Feel free to reply here, or msg me on Xbox Live. My GT is "o Ninja Dude o"



New member
There are a lot of Destiny players out there not fully sure if there is a clan in XGC that is dedicated to it but that's not hard to find out. Ill look into it for you and will message you a gamertag that can further help you. I myself am in a COD clan.

XGC Scoundrel

New member
Hey Ninja Dude,

This might make it easier for you:

Click on the "Community" tab and go down to "Join A Clan" and click on it. Scroll through the various clans and find the ones that have Destiny listed as their primary game (right under the clan's name on the left column). Message a clan leader of any of the clans that have Destiny listed (Clan leaders are listed in the right column). They'll probably let you play with them to see if they're a group of people you'll fit in with.

KoG, XGC, and SYN (In case you haven't had the chance to check the descriptions yet):

KoG (Kings of Gaming): Gamers 13 and up.

SYN (Syndicate): Gamers 16 and up.

XGC (Xiled Gaming Clans): Gamers 18 and up.
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New member
Friendly Correction KoG: 13+ but there should be some Destiny clans, if anything I can look in KoG and see if there are any clans you'd like to join. I can always ask a Division leader if there's a place for you.


New member
KOG 501st is a Destiny based clan on the xbox one.
Iv already looked it up there are also 3 XGC clans. Oddly I didnt see and SYN clans based in Destiny but the clans I did see I send to ninja dude vie PM.. and also sent the generals a message so they can fight to the death for

XGC Scoundrel

New member
KOG 501st is a Destiny based clan on the xbox one.
Iv already looked it up there are also 3 XGC clans. Oddly I didnt see and SYN clans based in Destiny but the clans I did see I send to ninja dude vie PM.. and also sent the generals a message so they can fight to the death for

Good move lol


New member
Thanks bro. Iv been around long enough to know a few tricks on how to help some on out. Just hope he gets the help hes looking for. I know he will.