XGC Mackie

New member
I have an idea. I've worked with various amounts of vB boards myself, and there are tons of modifications for it.

One modification I have in mind is an Arcade system. Basically, it's a vB intergrated arcade system and allows you to play some arcade games. It's a good system, but comes with very little arcade games. If you want more, I'll be glad to provide you with more games. I have about 200+ on my site, and another 500+ in total on my computer.

Basically, it gives the gamers here some of the classicial games such as asteroids or pac-man and gives members something to do while they are online.

KoG DeadMan

New member
we already have an arcade system set up but with about 30 games. I don't know if XG will want to add more to the current amount or not.

XGC Nukeman

New member
Yea like dedman said we already have an arcade. Just look under the community link at the top and its under arcade.

XGC Mackie

New member
Alright awesome :p I never saw it snucked in there...

Anyways, there are always more interactive forum things like Inferno and such, but that could always be added in later in the future.

XGC GaIaxy

New member
i love playing those arcade games. its so funny. i use to hold the highest score on Simon on the old site. must beat more scores!


New member
The thing I hate about our arcade is the effing concil has pretty much every high-score for every game. I wasted a half-hour of my life trying to beat one of their high-scores and the best I did was second. So on a message to the concil: touche (too-shay)


New member
Yeah, I too have spent a few hours trying to break records.

the Arcade system is still being constructed. Give it time.

XGC GaIaxy

New member
man im not good at these new arcade games accept prison break. i had the highest score in simon and pool on the old site