US Maverick78

New member
Is everyone having problems getting your party into games or is just my friends and I?

The problem seems to be getting worse for me. Is there a trick I don't know about? We've tried taking the party into a Private Match and then backing out out and we've tried taking out our mike's.

Any suggestions?


New member
It is not from the update on June 16th. This has been a ongoing problem with COD W@W. You are trying the only tricks that I know. You can tell if your party is going to be broken up while joining and back out with party and try again. I have found that is best to start your party and then try and join, if you add people to an existing party it seems to be worse. No sure fix but I hope that this helps.

XGC jordorunway

New member
i had that problem, its all about whos host of your party, if you have a host with a bad connection then not everyone in your party is going to make it in, but if you have a host with a great connection then most usually everyone will make it in the game, this happened to me and my friends all the time but we just kept rotating party host and seein who could get us into games and when we found who was right we just made him party leader everytime


New member
there is a trick that we use to work around this known problem.....

When you are in a room with your friends, before you choose to find a game, the room leader needs to change the game type to "private match", once you are in the private match lobby the room leader/host will then need to "leave with party" and return to the public lobby, then try finding a game. not sure why but this works for us. Also a lot of people have said after they delete the "Makin Day" map they have no more problems finding parties or waiting a long time to get matched up.