Approved: No Purchase LONG TIME AWAY


New member
Well I was in XG a long while ago and I was stupid and young and left and joined RGC i believe it was called at the time. I used to be a general in KoG so long ago that I cant even remember the name of my clan. But I'm 20 now and am looking to get back into a gaming community and playing with and making some cool friends. I'm not really sure as to what all im supposed to say other than that I have matured and would love to come back to XG.

KoG Lycos

New member
I'll look into this. It's interesting seeing the word "RGC" on this site. I haven't heard much from them since '07, so I'm interested in verifying this story as I remember quite a bit about RGC. And you weren't "stupid;" you were probably hoodwinked like most of the others that left.


P.S. I can't believe you still have that tag from back then!

KoG Lycos

New member
Alright. So this is indeed verified. Not only that, i twas so long ago that past sins, however minor they were, can be forgiven and forgotten. That aside, Cheesedip is old enough to go to any of the three divisions, but he wishes to go to either XGC or SYN. He originally said he wanted to go to XGC, so that's probably what will end up happening. I know an XGC general contacted me about this, so I will be forwarding this to an XGC Division Leader.
