
New member
Im 18, i do competetive and non competetive gaming. I love trolling people but also having alot of fun. I was thinking of the XGC clan but it doesnt really matter. Im not really a rage person . Im nice at some points. i love writing stories articles, im in the school newspaper and i love taking photo's. Im trying to get use to using photoshop and im a very social person.


New member
Welcome to the community feel Fred to send me an invite on xbox I play bo2 a lot. Also I am a Sgt in necropolis and we are always ready to bring in a quality recruit.

SYN Storm

New member
Monkey, Welcome to XG! If you're looking to join SYN, hit me up. Otherwise XGC is a great place to go! I have clans that play just about anything, with the main game being Black Ops 2. I myself play Minecraft, Borderlands, Halo 4.


New member
If your serious about Competetive play . im in xgc. necropolis. add me TuAsianForU. I have tourney experience and looking to rep XGC at tournaments

XGC Erebus

New member
I am a Captain in Necropolis and I feel its important to bring up that Trolling is frowned upon in XGC. However we do both competitive game play and pub matches.


New member
like i do competitive game play whenever i feel the time is right for it. Such as when i am playing with other members. That's where the team work kicks in. But i never did pub, what's pub?