looks like you have halo in your recent played games if you're interested in joining let me know and i'll get someone to go over the honor code with you. the syndicate honor code is slightly different than xgc. two biggest differences are you have to be over 18 in xgc and they also dont allow any forms of trashtalking or teabaggin where you can do that in syn if someone else was the one who started it. let me know. and welcome to xiledgaming

Wicked 7

New member
If you decide on XGC and your over 18 and all XGC Honesty is a halo clan in XGC it just recently split out so if your interested theirs plenty of room for promotion their the general over that clan is XGC EQUALIZER thats his gt as well hit him up if your interested


New member
And then there is XGC GOOD GAME and just like it was stated before XGC is for 18 and over. Im a sergeant of Gold Squad so if you want to kno more hit me up the gt is XGC SKYT3RROR