whatz happenin, just saw tha post and deffiently had to stop by to rep tha worlds most reconagnized area code (thankx EM) 313 313 thrity-one third, DETROIT IS MY HOME AND NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!!!! and i can verify at least 4 more people in my squad live in the same area and around tha BIG HOUSE!!!! if any questions about the BIG HOUSE then please ask SYN Bunite XS!!!! lol Just really happy other people out of tha Murda Mitten trying to get ahold of each other.. IF ANY BODY FROM MICHIGAN READ THIS POST PLEASE SEND A FRIEND REQUEST TO MY OTHER TAG JUST TO KEEP TRACK OF PEOPLE IN MI. MY OTHER TAG IS NON OTHER---- MIxMILLITIA, I PLAY ON THIS TAG ONLY WITH PEOPLE FROM MICHIGAN it is not in any XGC clan or any clan for that matter just another way for me to keep track of tha Mitten's finest!!!!!!
My name is XGC Pale Face
and I support this post