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Micro managing is stepping all over your leaders feet, doing their jobs for them, not giving them the freedom to succeed on their own, not holding them accountable for the members they are over, and basically just not giving them enough respect to let them do their jobs.

This problem has already been addressed with the section leaders, but the same things are now happening with the generals. Generals, many of you are micro managing your clans. This needs to stop NOW!! You need to ensure that you hold your captains accountable for THEIR actions and leadership.

Don't think of this as being forced to do what we want you to do. Think of this as you getting the help you need. Many of you generals are doing nearly EVERYTHING in your clans. If you have captains, you shouldn't be doing nearly as much as they are. Procedures are designed to ensure that you, the generals, target the leaders in your clan and MAKE THEM do the work. Think of yourselves as the head manager. If you focus on your other managers (captains) and have them watch their individual areas (squads), you in effect will be doing MUCH less work while at the same time, A LOT MORE will be done in your clan.

The rank structure is there for a REASON!! The chain of command is there for a REASON!! These two ideas are in effect to branch off the work that needs to be done. It's time to get straight who does what. I don't watch ANY clans, THE SECTION LEADERS DO!! The section leaders don't run the clans, YOU DO!! You don't run the squads, YOUR CAPTAINS SHOULD BE DOING THAT!! You should only be watching over the squads. If you want, think of yourself as the section leader over your generals (the captains) and their clans (their squads). You shouldn't be dictating to your captains how they run their squads. You should guide them in a direction and give them room to succeed and fail on their own. This is how they will learn, grow, and become better and stronger leaders. Running the squads is your CAPTAINS' job, and it's time YOU STOPPED DOING IT. Now, I'm not saying you can't help out every now and then, but honestly if an individual can't handle managing 9 people, THEY SHOULDN'T BE A CAPTAIN. If an individual can't successfully recruit members into the clan for their squad (THE CAPTAIN'S MAIN RESPONSIBILITY), THEY DEFINITELY SHOULDN'T TO BE A CAPTAIN.

It's time to stop babying your captains. The childish leadership and behavior that you, the generals, have allowed the captains to display is now over. Much more will be expected from the captains, and you are now charged with making them meet these demands. This is to ensure that strong and independent generals, the key to the future success of XGC, KOG, and SYN, are produced. I have seen that the recent generals have not been very strong, independent, or keen decision makers. To ensure the future of this division, changes will be discussed and enforced!

Now, some of you generals think that since you are responsible for all the members in your clan, you need to oversee everything in the clan. If I had that same attitude, I would have a tag in every single clan, have everybody but me as peons, oversee every promotion and demotion, meet every new recruit, and monitor every single decision made in all the clans. Not only would doing that TREMONDOUSLY slow down progress, it would also create a great deal of tension and stress for EVERYONE!! Generals, that is what you are doing when you don't trust your captains--you are creating tension and stress for everyone in your clan. It's time to take off the iron curtain and put faith and trust in your leaders. If you do not trust someone in a captain's position, DON'T PROMOTE THEM!! If you see them screw up, TALK TO THEM!!! They don't need to be "hammered" for every single mistake; constructively explain to them why the decision they made was not the correct choice, and tell them what to do in the future. No one needs to be demoted for a simple mistake (unless it is a breach of the honor code). Everyone makes them and as long as your captains learn from them and don't repeat them, they will develop stronger leadership and become more solid decision makers.

Division leaders have two basic jobs: to ensure the division of XGC, KOG, and SYN thrives and grows in a professional and organized manner; and establish and maintain a fun environment free of trash talking and cheating. The section leaders also have two jobs: to ensure their sections of clans thrive and grow in a professional and organized manner and establish and maintain a fun environment free of trash talking and cheating in their sections. Moreover, yes generals, you too have two basic jobs: to ensure your clans thrive and grow in a professional and organized manner and establish and maintain a fun environment free of trash talking and cheating in your clan. Likewise, your captains ALSO have two main jobs: to ensure THEIR squads thrive and grow in a professional and organized manner and establish and maintain a fun environment free of trash talking and cheating in their squad.

So, in summary, we all work together to ensure two things happen in XGC, KOG, and SYN: to ensure it thrives and grows in a professional and organized manner and establish and maintain a fun environment free of trash-talking and cheating. This is why following the chain of command is so important. It would be impossible to ensure these two things happen, as we get bigger without training and trusting our leaders.

By XGC Viper XL

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