VwC Venom

New member
hey just wanted to know if we have anymore military kids in the community...both my mother and my father were in the army so i wanted to have a place some military kids could meet and talk about experiences and stuff...hope im not the only one :)


New member
I was stationed in Fort Bragg NC and have deployed to numerous places around the globe. Only a few of which were any fun whatsoever.

Wolf Pack 043

New member
My Dad was a corporal in the Marine Corps during Vietnam, he went on a 13 month combat tour in 1971-72. He went to college, then to Officers Candidates School in the army. he stayed in for 24 years and retired as a Major.

I plan to join the Marine Corps after I'm finished with High School.

Wolf Pack 043

New member
joined the marines?

People seemed surprised when i say that i hope i get sent to war. My dad being in Vietnam I hav no illusions about it. But also, every marine I kno(which is a lot) has been there, and LOVED it. I'd feel left out if I didn't get to go to Iraq.

VwC Venom

New member
yeah i was talking about joining the marines

yeah all my boys were pumped to go fear and no seemed like a rite of passage


The majority of my family was military. I was an AF brat my self. Then I was active duty AF. Father was AF, Both grandfathers were army,cousins army and marines.


New member
I am a military kid... my dads been in the military for 30 plus years he is currently a chief warrent officer 4 doing the job of a 5 but in one month he gets deployed and leaves his family for iraq. Myself i want to join the army but my mom is against it my dad likes the idea. I want to go to iraq and serve my time for my country and also make some money doing it.


New member
Ship date is now july 7th to go to fort sill... And sorry but you say dont go but you are in fact not me... and i found out i am color blind.