Didnt XG sponsor a pro team once... The Elites?
A long time ago back in Halo 2. There were some problems with the loyalty of that group of people and they left XG for a better sponsor and XG got screwed. I don't know all the details but Knight told the some of elites in H3 the story but that was so long ago I'm foggy on the details.
When people actually show that they aren't just a bunch of pro crybabies like people in the circuit now. Then maybe people can talk to the council about it, me personally have not seen a team that is soooooo good to be sponsored but i can't be everywhere. I mean i hear people go im so good but then they lose and do nothing but complain and blame others.Oh and lastly XG doesn't need to sponsor someone for them to Rep XG. That is why we have such things as shirts and such. Or if you got noticed at an event u could say you were part of the community, just my opinion. Don't think people would spend money on people they aren't for sure would make an impact and for sure are going to deliver. =) later CHEA!!!
No offense Bunite... but how would you know any H3 team, you hardly spend any of your time on that game and what about you would qualify you to judge what team would be sponsored? Maybe your some GoW beast and know all competitiveness that goes down in XG in that area, but there are still way more people in XG who play H3 who are interested in this than those who play GoW. But it doesn't matter, the council won't sponsor another team. Why would they? How many of them support having the elites let alone spending how much money to fly 4 kids to events, pay for team passes, hotels, possibly gear, who could possibly do the same thing that happened last time.
Its fine if people rep XG at MLG events and don't get sponsored by XG, but people who are looking to play at these things need to understand there is too much bitter blood between the council and competitive gamers and rather then trying to change minds that have already been made up they would be better off trying to get a local LAN center to sponsor them which would be much easier for them anyways.
It doesn't really matter though. The people here will figure that out soon enough on their own. Antics and Enforcer already know this and they are easily two of the best H3 gamers left in XG if not the best. Its too bad, with a team of similar skill of those two they could do somewhat well at an MLG event, and they are some of the most mature friendly people I had the pleasure of meeting while in XG. All the other ones who even came close left XG a long time ago. That or you have these people who are new to XG and have potential, but usually they end up losing their drive or leaving.
Wow that was a rant. I really should stop signing onto this site when I get bored LOL.