For those of you who don't know what this is, it's basically a Tactical Nuke but it's a 24 or 25 killstreak with only your gun no killstreaks that get you kills I finally got mine yesterday with a Striker and it was awesome tell me has anyone else got one yet and if you never heard about it go for it, it's well worth the racing heart ha ha.

v Gogeta

New member
Yeah its a 25 killstreak with your gun, no other killstreaks will stack. You can get it on any strike package, not sure about specialist though. It makes the map "radioactive" for the rest of the game, in other words a red tint. And it also EMPs the enemy team for 90 seconds.

xBev xx

New member
Just to make sure no one is confused, you can use your killstreaks they do not add to the streak though. It's so awesome when you get it


New member
i got one in infected but ive never come close in a "real match".

p.s knife kills count too incase anyone was confused by "gun kills only"
I'm currently trying to get one with the Model 1887 with Damage proficiency but the hit markers are really getting to me even at close range

ii Am Dv Jaeger

New member
I got my first about a week or so ago, I only run with specialist and wasn't quite sure what was happening since specialists don't get kill streaks except extra perks. Felt good and it's always fun to hear the other team saying, "Did we just get Nuked?" The interesting thing...That game wasn't even my best I played. I think I was too distracted by the red screen after the MOAB to take the rest of the match seriously.


SYN BraveHeart

New member
I only have gotten one within the time thatt the game has been out, being my third cod I think that's good. Also, I wasn't camping, I was taking control of half the map (Dome) all to myself. I went on a 32 gunstreak and destroyed. People were so mad, that they left the game before I even got it. Lol

SYN Bloo

New member
Ive gotten 2 so far with the specialist, within in less than 36 hours. funny this is I really didnt think I would get them.