XGC Paramore

New member
So I have been trying to work with stocks(since im totally garbage at) so i can atleast get better. This is the result of one and I think it absolutely failed.

Lighting is to bright, kinda has no flow, and bad colors.

I know you jerks are prolly gonna say that **** plus more but im just displaying my work ok so do not be pricks kthxbi

lol if we are being jerks then why do you post it up for CnC? It is really not bad but the light kills it. The C4Ds are goo for flow but they don't show up in the brightness :/ If you toned it down it would actually be pretty good. I know you are talking about me when you say jerks :p Sorry

XGC Paramore

New member
Not only you. You and az. AZ never had something good to say about my crap so yeah. And i did tone it down as much as i can messing with the levels, and brightness and contrast

XGC Paramore

New member
and besides if you read the description on top of the banner you can see why i post my stuff here
Graphic Gallery Come on in, and take a look at these awesome signatures and graphic designs.
My suggestion is to do a curves layer and erase over all except the light area. It will help a lot I think. Of course make the left brighter because that is the lighting should be. And yea AZ can seem that way but he's pretty cool lol.
lol he's not trolling. He is stating a fact that me and AZ sound like douche bags when we CnC lol. It is not supposed to sound mean but it does cause you tell everything wrong with it.


New member
Yeah, but he's naming names, and we don't want a reaction from anyone. x_x Bad things can happen.

But, to stay on topic.

Just wondering, who is that of?


New member
FYI this area is not only for just cnc. it's a graphic gallery it's here for people to post there works for others to view here we only cnc when people ask for it. So we should all keep that in mind when commenting on imges people put up. if people ask for it give it and if not then don't and if you don't have anything good to say about it then just don't say any thing.we all have our own style and just because they don't do it the way you do it doesn't mean that it's wrong. so every one should think about what they post be for they post it and think of how the person my take it.

XGC Paramore

New member
Alright here was my result after using the curve


and here are some edits with colors


Gradient Map set to color.


Gradient Map set to Hue


Hey dude this is not bad at all. I mean of course its missing somethings, but I can see you are trying to develop a style with this and I like it personally. KIU