New member
Hey All, I'm a New member not sure where to go from here. I play World of Tanks 360, and Ghosts looking for a clan to play with.. I'm really in to tanks just need some ppl to play with in a Platoon, I play Ghost as well just not very good at the shooter games not bad just not great, anyways i was sent here by XGC ol deadeye (gamertag) hope i hear back from someone soon

XGC TitusEpic

New member
Hey Jester welcome to XiledGaming. Someone will get with you shortly and set you up with one of the clans here. Xiled is a pretty awesome community, I'm sure you will love it here!


New member
Which Clan does World of Tanks 360 Version? Thats where i want to be? havent really seen or talked to anyone since i got here so its kinda discouraging if you see it from my end

XGC Radioactive

New member
Hey there jester! We're on both ghosts and WoT, we also play GTA, BLOPS2, and various other games. HMU on xbox live, i'd like to get to know you a little bit better.

XGC Dobby

New member
Welcome to the community! If you have questions we always have people surfing the forums and willing to help out. I'm in XGC Unreal XK and we play a lot of Ghosts, but not sure on the Tanks. If you need people to play with add my gamertag and we can get you some other people on your friends list!

XGC Dobby


New member
Welcome to XG man. Youll find people from all walks of life here. We play ghosts mostly but we have a good group of guys that play all sorts of games. Hit us up at Unreal sometime if youd like to play.