
New member
Hey whatsup guys, I'm new here. I saw an ad for this site on the Black Ops forums, posted by Rinoxkiller.

As far as a gamer, I would say that when I play I'm pretty competitive, I just don't spend hours a day online since I'm super busy. I'm majoring in Exercise Science at Towson University in Baltimore, so right now I'm taking Anatomy, Chemistry, Physics, Tests and Measurements, and Foundations of Exercise Science... not much time for gaming!

As far as a history - I first got into gaming with the NES/SNES/N64, like lots of people. I got into shooters with Halo on the original Xbox. I have since played every Halo game; Halo 3 got the most playtime for me. Besides shooters, I LOVE RPGs, Madden, and Fifa.

This past Christmas I got Black Ops and Halo Reach, and have been playing as much as I can, mostly Black Ops. Besides the campaign in MW2, this was my first COD game I spend lots of time with, so I'm not that great at it yet. My K/D is about a .70, but mostly because I spend the first 3 weeks learning how to play. Now per game I average about 1.25-1.75, my total KD is just catching up since I was a beginner when I got the game for Christmas.

I don't have tons of friends who play games, so I'm just looking to find people to play COD with, since playing alone sucks! I also LOVE Halo - I just haven't played Reach very much yet. Definitely something I want to do; I had tons of hours played in Halo 3, and I'm much better at Halo than at COD.

The Chosen One

New member
Hey lad, welcome to XG :)

I'm from XGC Section 8 which judging by what you've just said I think it would be a good fit for you.

We have over 30 members, all of which are active. We play mostly Blackops and Reach but also play a few other games such as Madden.

Generally we all just enjoy getting on, gaming together and having a laugh (and winning!). All of XGC Section 8s members are all very friendly.

As we are a part of XGC all our members are atleast 18 years old.

If you have any questions then feel free to message me :) I'll send you a FR on LIVE.

P.s Halo 3 was the only game I really played from it's release till Reach came out, shame no one really plays it anymore

XGC LilOwl

New member
Heyah there Terpsfan8489 =D

Welcome to Xiled Gaming! Hope you have a great time while you're here!

btw the NES and SNES and N64 ROCK!!!! I have them all from when i was such a little kid. lol they're actually still mad fun, sometimes on my time off from work my roommates and i will play multiplayer games. its awesome.

I'm LilOwl, I love halo too. lol. I'm a member of XGC Genesis and we're always lookin for new players in both CoD and Halo.... AND we don't bite! lol. we're a really friendly clan.

Hope you have the best of luck picking what clan you'd like to join!

If you'd like any help or to talk to anything feel free to send me a message on the forums, visit my personal forum in the News Team section, or the xbox (of course answering on the box depends on when im not at work. lol).


New member
Hey - whats up.. I am captaian of AMBASSADOR... I also hope you find the right clan that will soot you. You can send me a friends request.. i will definitly play with you. I play Black ops and Reach, and also like gaming with new people.. :)

The Chosen One

New member
Great few games the night Terps, hope you enjoyed meeting more of the guys and enjoy your time in Section 8. I'll hook you up with some of our Reach players when I next see you on :)

@Zelly - get on you!! :)