New member
Ive been hearing alot of good things about the new medal of honor set for september. Graphics, gameplay, Online play. All are suppose to be way better than MW2's anybody else here anything?

XGC Phantom XD

New member
Yeah I don't think so, I've played a bunch of Medal of Honor games and not one comes close to any in the series, sorry but they fail.


New member
Well one thing i know for sure is that any game will have better anti-hacking measures than MW2. Infinity Ward really blew it on that aspect of thee game
To be honest after seeing a few screen shots it seems so similar to MW 2, but when it's released I'll surely look into it. It does seem pretty cool.

XGC Darkshot

New member
Well they supposedly brought the team behind battlefield 2 in for the online part of the game because they feel that they are better at the story line asspect then the multiplayer part
"Medal of Honor is being built with a best-in-class single-player campaign. The Medal of Honor development team at EALA has been hand-selected by the studio leadership of General Manager Sean Decker, Executive Producer Greg Goodrich and Senior Creative Director Rich Farrelly. To compliment the single-player experience, EALA has enlisted the multiplayer expertise at EA DICE. This team will develop the multiplayer experience of Medal of Honor. These two studios are coming together to deliver a world-class Medal of Honor that is poised to re-set the franchise for a new generation"


New member
I can't see it doing better than mw2. Then again, I doubt when mw3 comes out it will do much better than mw2 given how poorly they supported mw2 with all the glitches and cheats still present. I know I will never purchase another MW game.


New member
One of the more interesting things is that the series is finally leaving the WWII era and moving into Modern Day Afghanistan. This game will either be a big hit and spark the series back up or be another utter failure


New member
Yea but just because they're looking to goto the future like MW2 doesnt mean they'll copy them. Im looking forward to the single player atleast they always have the best story lines.


New member
I just heard that MOH might be taking the mag route and trying to do upto 64 on 64 for their online which would be cool for game that has campaign mode as well