
New member
Hey everyone! I'm 22/m and looking to join a Syn clan (judging by the descriptions of clans) just wandering how I could get set up with that.. Message me here or on xbl, I'll be on for the next few hours.. TeamOxiClean is GT


New member
Don't know of this helps but, I play halo reach, new ghost recon, borderlands and black ops all competitively.. Other games just for fun


New member
Ok ill try to get ahold of the Renegade General. I probley wont be in Renegade anymore because i might be transfering to Dynasty

SYN Creed

New member
he never answered me bub and u told him to add u instead of what it should be the other way around. Another thing look at his recent games, halos the last game he played, Dynasty has a halo squad. Just giving him options


New member
Just because he played Halo doesnt mean that Dynasty is the best place. Renegade has far more experience. We play as a team everyday. Plus his already in our clan's system so you can't recruit him.

SYN Creed

New member
lolololol "far more experience" lololololol u have much to learn. i hope the oxi found the best place for him because thats what the clans about