New member
Hello Everyone. XGC RUSTY TRAIN posting here for the first time. Thanks to XGC RISING MIND for inviting me over to XGC. Before I joined XGC I was RustyTrainLover. I had to change my ID and set up a new live account because MS would not allow me to adjust my Account Settings once I logged into Needless to say I had to get the BBB involved, but that's a long boring story.
About myself. I'm 39, live in Northern VA (Stafford) about 30 minutes South of Washington DC. Married with a 5 year old son. I work for the federal govt taking care of their computers and helping run a helpdesk supporting about 5,000 folks around the country. Been with them for 23 years, ever since highschool. Hobbies including gaming when I have time, playing with my son Steven, always got time for that. Photography and enjoying trains both big and small. And my latest one, golfing and taking Steven to golf lessons, he's pretty good at it.
What am I looking for. A community where I can share my input, both good and bad, but most especially to find others like me that simply want to play the game for the sake of playing it and not have to worry about being harassed or anything like that.
My game style. Deffinatly a 'camper'. But I'm trying to improve on that. I've always been the type to look first than shoot, rather than barge into a room with guns blazin.
I have an original Xbox console and plan on keeping it that way until the 45 nano second 360 comes out in late 2008 early 2009. With all the 'issues' of red circle of death, noisy fans, oversized power supplies and the like. I figured I can make due until next year when the kinks are really ironed out. Hopefully when H3 comes out next month I won't be the last person on Earth playing H2.
Guess that about sums it up. I look forward to playing some H2 online with ya'll. My library of games is a mix between first person shooters, car racing, motocycle racing and a few others. Of course I wish I had more time to play, but you know how that goes.
Take care,


New member
Welcome. I'm new to the community as well. Although I'm afraid they expect a little bit more activity than I intended on. Lately I've been playing more guitar then x box. And with work, playing guitar, going on x box live and spending time with my girlfriend, I'm not sure if I'll have enough time to post on the forums often. But we'll see how it goes.

When you said...
... keeping it that way until the 45 nano second 360 comes out in late 2008 early 2009
Does that mean MS is coming out with another version of the 360? or are they just going to start producing them with the 45 nano second chip?


New member
Hey NextAI nice to meet you. I think the main goal is to be seen. Don't just show up, get added, than disapper. Everyone knows that we all have lives out of Halo. Just get connected up with a Clan, I'm in Honesty. And a Squad. I'm in the White Squad. Be seen online and scan the messages here when you have time. If your Squad or Clan has a meeting, try to be there as best you can. That's the attitude I'm taking with all of this. I wish I had more time to play online, but between a 60 mile one way trip to work, and my family and life in general, I don't always get the time to play that I would like. As far as the 45 nano second chipset. My brother in law has a 360 and I was doing some checking as far as what the Elite version offered over the standard version. That got me checking into news articles and the like and this is the jist as I know it. MS has extended the warranty to three years, they have been quick to repair red circle of death problems. That the 60 second "Falcon" chipset is in production and should ship soon (don't quote me), but you must check the lot number to determine if the box is a left over 90 ns version or a newer 60 ns version. Questionable as far as weather the 60 ns version will have an improved DVD drive, one article said that it would. But if you keep on digging you will find out that the mfg that makes the 90 ns and 60 ns chipsets is in the early stages of producing a 45 ns chip set. But that it won't come out until late 2008 early 2009. So I'm trying to hold out and not get a 360 if at all possible. But someone put a post in the Honesty forum that stated that the Halo2 Servers might be shutdown shortly after Halo3 is released. I've just put a message up on Bungie in the Halo2 Forum to ask them to state what the exact deal is.
So to answer your question, I would suspect that they would still call it the 360 and simply start putting 60 ns boxes than 45 ns boxes into the pipeline. So it would take a savvy buyer to actually check the Lot Number to confirm what chip is actually in the unit. Hope this helps, have a nice weekend. Rusty